Nowadays everyone is using internet every moment. As a result, a lot of personal information is accumulating in Google without knowing. Which includes Google location. However, the search engine company promised to delete as much of the users' personal information as possible. Sundar Pichai's IT company is going to keep that promise. This time, Google will permanently delete the location history of users.
However, the company's Timeline feature (which used to be Location History) will still work. In that case users have to keep it selected. With the help of which even in the future they can see where they were sometime in the past. But even then all the data will be stored on the 'local' drive. In total nothing will be on the company's servers.
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Google said that they will keep all the old location history until December 1. But after that everything will be deleted forever. Before that, users can definitely back up all that information if they want.
That's why Google's decision
Although no specific reason has been given by the search engine company, it has been said that users' location information is private. Google is committed to keeping it secure, confidential and under user control. It is also claimed, 'Remember, Google Maps has never sold your information to anyone. Not even advertisers.