Mohin Talukder প্রকাশিত: ১৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২৪, ০৫:২৩ এএম
American actor and Hollywood superstar Will Smith is impressed by reading the holy book Quran Sharif. Not only was he impressed, he also expressed his opinion and feelings about the Qur'an. Will Smith is bound by the love of the Holy Quran. The actor also called the Quran very clear.
According to a report by Al Arabiya, Smith read the Quran last Ramadan. In a recent radio interview, he said, "I like simplicity, the Qur'an is clear; This is very clear. There is no way to misunderstand the Qur'an. The essence of the Qur'an was very beautiful and clear.
Smith also said that he also read Jewish and Christian religious texts. Surprised to find many similarities between Quran, Torah and Bible.
He said, 'I was surprised when I saw how similar they were. I never understood Abraham as a father and then his split with Jesus and Ishmael. The ending of this realization was very beautiful.
The actor is currently on a tour of Saudi Arabia. He expressed his love for Middle Eastern countries. Jokingly said, 'I think I was a giant in my previous life. I feel like I'm at home. I like the subject.'
Notably, Will Smith played the role of monster in the famous movie Aladdin. The actor said that he read Quran Sharif in the month of Ramadan last year.