Dhaka, মঙ্গলবার, জানুয়ারী ৭, ২০২৫

What the Prophet said about the signs of Shaba Qadr

Siam Islam   প্রকাশিত:  ০৭ জানুয়ারী, ২০২৫, ০৬:১১ এএম

What the Prophet said about the signs of Shaba Qadr

There are some special features of the night of Qadr, through which it can be understood which is the night of Qadr. On the authority of Hazrat Ubada Ibn Samet (R.A.), he said, When the Prophet (S.A.W.) was asked about Shaba Qadr, he replied that it was on the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan, i.e. on the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th and 29th or It is the last night of Ramadan. A person who stands on the Sabbath with faith, hoping for reward, all his past sins are forgiven.
Then the Prophet (PBUH) described some of the signs of this night. Some of the signs are, that night will be pure and shining, cool, not too hot, not too cold; Rather, everything will be in the middle. (Because of the abundance of light) that night sky will look like a moonlit night, that night the stars do not run here and there.

Another sign of it is that the next morning the sun rises like a perfectly round full moon without rays. Allah stopped Satan's appearance with him at the sunrise of that day. (Durre Mansoor: Ahmad and Bayhaqi)

In essence, Shab Qadr is a special privilege given by Allah to the Muhammadan Ummah. Which was not given to any other Ummah. For this reason, in the last decade of Ramadan, we will honor the blessings of Allah by avoiding our own comforts, praying, reciting, zikir azkar and tasbih tahlil. (Source: Aini Sharah Bukhari: 5/365; Musnad Ahmad: 365; Ibn Kasir: 4/431)