Mohin Talukder প্রকাশিত: ১৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২৪, ০৬:০১ এএম
People's life has become miserable due to severe heat wave. In this situation, the Meteorological Office has issued a 'heat alert' for three days across the country. In this situation, educational institutions of all levels of the country are opening on Sunday. The Ministry of Primary and Mass Education has ordered the closure of school assemblies for the time being to protect teaching from the intense heat.
On Saturday (April 20) morning, Mahbubur Rahman Ministry of Public Education Senior Information Officer Mahbubur Rahman Tuhin gave this information. He said that the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education is keeping a close eye on the ongoing heatwave across the country. In view of the situation, the assembly of all government primary schools in the country will remain closed until further instructions.