Mohin Talukder প্রকাশিত: ১৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২৪, ০৫:৫৮ এএম
Bushra Afrin, Chief Heat Officer of Dhaka North City Corporation, has taken the initiative to create 'artificial rain' through water cannons to control the temperature quickly.
Water cannons have been used to control dust and air pollution in the city, but now they are being used to reduce heat waves. In this context, Bushra Afrin said, time is needed to bring the temperature under control by increasing afforestation in the city. But there is no point in sitting idle for him now. Therefore, we have taken the initiative to create 'artificial rain' through water cannons to quickly control the temperature even for a short period of time. This will reduce the suffering of city dwellers in summer.
He said that the city corporation is trying its best to improve drinking water supply. At the same time, efforts are being made to arrange 'cooling spaces' so that pedestrians get a chance to rest. We must plant more trees and come up with eco-friendly infrastructure.
North City Chief Heat Officer said, we have taken several significant steps in the last one year. One of these is to increase public awareness in slum areas. Because, they are one of the most vulnerable population. They have been involved by planting trees in these places and maintaining these trees. Apart from this, we are going to launch various activities in association with several public and private organizations and NGOs, including the Department of Meteorology. As a pilot project in Kalyanpur and Banani, we are going to create 'Urban Forest', which will simultaneously provide cooling, prevent air pollution and improve soil quality.
It is known that North City Corporation will continue the initiative to create 'artificial rain' in inanimate nature. 'Artificial rain' will be seen every day. The city dwellers will see 'artificial rain' for 6 hours continuously from 10 am to 4 pm every day in intense storm. Different areas of the city including Uttara, Mirpur, Farmgate, Agargaon will witness 'artificial rain'.