Curriculum assessment is changing again. According to the National Curriculum and Textbook Board, the written test is now being added to the collective assessment. Students will sit for the exam on a specific day. But it will be like conventional exam. And going to the 10th class, there will be a board exam, which will not be in your own institution, but in another institution. However, the academicians are talking about surveying before implementing it.
Ever since the new curriculum started last year with the sixth and seventh classes, there has been discussion and criticism about the evaluation system. The parents wanted the traditional examination system to be maintained.
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The National Curriculum and Textbook Board has proposed some changes in the evaluation system taking into account those issues.
What is in the preamble given to the Ministry of Education? In response to this question, National Curriculum and Textbook Board member Professor Moshiuzzaman said that the evaluation will continue throughout the year. And there will be collective assessment. This evaluation will be done in one day instead of seven days. Where there will be a written test after all the steps.
He said that from sixth to tenth standard, there will be 50 percent in both parts of the year-long evaluation and overall. In that case, class 10th exam will be public exam and students will give this exam in different center.
He said that 50 percent of the evaluation will be done by the students at the center. In the remaining 50 percent, the exam report will go to the board, from where the evaluation will be done.
The teacher of the Education Research Institute of Dhaka University spoke about this. With Hafizur Rahman. He said, before implementing the new system, its effectiveness needs to be verified. It also needs monitoring.
He said, while doing this, we are struggling again and again, it is not good. We needed a good preparation for this. Which we don't seem to be able to take.
The curriculum outline was approved in 2021. Its implementation starts from 2023. Full implementation will take up to 2027.