Students of Jagannath University (JB) have called for a protest rally to demand justice for the accused teacher and classmate in the suicide of a student named Fairuz Avantika. On Saturday (March 16) at 3 pm, students will hold a protest rally on the campus. The protest program will be held under the banner of 'Jagannath University Against Oppression' in the quiet premises of the university.
After the news of Avantika's suicide spread, students took a stand in front of the main gate of the campus from Friday (March 15) night. The students accused assistant proctor Deen Islam and law student Amman Siddiqui of abetting suicide. Later, they started protest demanding punishment of guilty teachers and students. At this time, the university's proctor professor. Jahangir Hossain tried to calm down the students by talking to them but it was not possible. Students continued to protest.
At this time, the accused Amman has been temporarily expelled and assistant professor Deen Islam has been relieved from the post of assistant proctor, said the proctor of the university. In addition, for further investigation, the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Professor Dr. He also said that a committee of 5 members has been formed by convening Masum Billah.
Later, Vice-Chancellor Sadeka Halim said that the Proctoral Committee and the Student Advisor involved in the incident, including teacher Deen Islam and student Amman Siddiqui, who instigated Avantika's suicide, will be brought under investigation. He also assured the protesting students that the investigation report will be available within the next 7 working days.
At that time, the students of the university complained that not only Avantika, but also before this, the university did not get any justice in various sexual harassment cases. For this, many have chosen the path of suicide. All those incidents must be judged.
In response, the Vice-Chancellor said, I took charge in November. Since then all complaints received will be decided soon subject to fair investigation. He assured that all those complaints will be resolved in the syndicate meeting this month.
Later, the students announced a protest program and left the campus on Saturday afternoon.
Earlier, Avantika posted on Facebook blaming her classmate and assistant proctor Deen Islam named Amman Siddiqui before committing suicide at 10 pm on Friday.